Across Time
You are invited to join us for Entangled With The Ashmolean CAT 2—a Physics un-play and art-piece by Artist in Residence to Oxford Physics and Stanford Q-FARM Pamela Davis Kivelson.
Come to the Ashmolean Museum. The second scene will continue at a hidden location.
If you are interested in quantum information, portraiture, women in science and technology, this may be your chance to have a very unique experience in the Quantum future.
Players: Giovanni De Felice, Sirui Ning, PDK, Costi Levy, Zac Tobias.
Directors: PDK and Costi Levy
Composer: Cheryl Frances-Hoad
We wish to thank Producer: Helen Smith, Writer: Linn Cary Mehta, Ian Shipsey, Misha Schmalian, Xiaoliang Qi (, Zhaoyu Han, St Hilda’s College Oxford, Q-Orbits Art Collective, Alva C.J. Orr, Quantinuum,
What do sheep, medievalists, black hole orbits, chatbots, and quantum computers have in common?
We wish to thank the Oxford Physics Department and members of the global physics community.
Quantum Art